do sonographers need to be registered

A sonographer is a medical professional who uses ultrasound imaging equipment to scan and capture images of different parts of the body. For example, during pregnancy, a sonographer can perform an ultrasound scan on the mother’s tummy to check on her baby’s development.


Early pregnancy ultrasound scan

If you want to have an early ultrasound scan, we recommend scheduling it no earlier than 7 weeks into your pregnancy.

Early pregnancy can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, and the wait for that first NHS scan (typically offered at 11 to 14 weeks) can seem like an eternity when you’re eager for more information about your little one.



An ultrasound scan is a medical procedure that’s used to examine unborn babies while they’re still in the womb.


who to bring to ultrasound

Whether it’s your first ultrasound, gender reveal or 4D scan appointment, deciding who to bring along to your ultrasound scans can be difficult. Many women are torn between keeping their ultrasound scans a private, intimate affair by bringing only a select few, and sharing their special moments with all of their nearest and dearest.

Unfortunately, some hospitals have strict policies on the number of people you can bring to your ultrasound scans, and some don’t allow children into the room either.

But here at First Encounters, we offer space for you and up to 6 guests (including children) to attend your ultrasound scan

Your Significant Other

Ok, this one may seem like a bit of a no brainer, but it goes without saying that your significant other should take top priority when it comes to deciding who to bring to your ultrasound.

Significant others can sometimes feel a little left out during your pregnancy. After all, you’re the one carrying the baby and feeling the full effects of pregnancy while they take a more supportive, secondary role.

Having your significant other by your side for your ultrasound scans (when possible), will give them the opportunity to see and hear how the baby is progressing, making them feel much more involved in your pregnancy.

Taking Children to your Ultrasound

If the baby on board already has a sibling or two waiting to meet them, its likely that you’ll want to share this wonderful experience with them and make them feel involved in your pregnancy too.  

It can be hard for young children, especially, to grasp the idea that ‘mummy is having a baby ‘. Having baby’s siblings involved in your pregnancy helps them understand what’s happening and, more often than not, it sparks excitement about the arrival of their baby brother or sister. That’s why your children are more than welcome to attend your First Encounter’s ultrasound scan.

We know that it can be difficult to find childcare, and in circumstances where children can’t attend ultrasound scans, significant others and other family members can be forced to miss your ultrasound as they take on the role of baby sitter. We definitely don’t want that to be the case for you here!

Bring the Grandparents!

Whether you want to bring baby’s grandparents or your own grandparents along to your ultrasound, getting the older generations involved in your scans can be an unbelievably touching experience. Grandparents are often just as excited as you are to meet their new grand or great-grandchildren, so it’s worth giving them a thought when choosing who to invite.

With up to 6 guest spots available at First Encounters, you can invite your parents, your grandparents, your significant other and even a cousin along to share the special experience with you, if you like. We think that, particularly if you’re having a 4D scan, bringing guests in the room to meet your baby will be an unforgettable experience.

Book an Ultrasound Scan Now!

If you have any questions or if you’d like to book your scan over the phone, call us on 02920 732671.

We’re often asked how early in a pregnancy we are able to offer our 3D ultrasound packages. This comes as no surprise; after all, we realise that many expectant parents are eager to get that breathtaking first glimpse of their unborn child!
If you’re keen to receive an early glimpse of your baby, we offer our 4DGrowth&Wellbeing™ scan from 24 weeks gestation, giving you the chance to discover your baby’s gender and view live footage for the first time. As part of the package, you will first view live 2D images of your baby, before being shown some incredible 3D/4D imagery of your growing child on our plasma screen.
Not only will you be given the chance to discover your child’s gender in a relaxing and warm environment, you will also be able to chart how your baby’s health and wellness is developing, as our sonographers calculate their growth, position and other details about your child.
If you’re eager to experience this bonding and reassurance process as soon as possible, the 20 week 3D ultrasound scan is certainly your best option. However, if you’re willing to wait a little longer, you’ll be rewarded for your patience; we recommend 25-29 weeks as the optimum time to undergo a 3D scan.
The reason we recommend 25-29 weeks is due to the simple fact that this stage in the baby’s development tends to produce the best images. The foetus is not only more fully-developed at this stage, it also still has room for movement, making it far easier to get a view that will create a moving first impression. Another benefit of waiting just a little longer is that you will have access to a broader range of scan packages, which provides you with an extended range of options while allowing you to have a more personal and memorable experience.
Our ultimate goal here at First Encounters is to cater to the needs and expectations of expectant mothers and their families on a personal, non-generalised basis. Whether you wish to receive your scan early or would like to wait until further along in your pregnancy, we will try our very best to make the experience as relaxing and memorable as possible. We will also strive to produce the highest quality image, presenting you with a precious memento to treasure forever.
For more information about our range of scan packages, please click here.
Ultrasound scan
There are many different ultrasound scan packages available to pregnant women nowadays, and this variety can sometimes cause confusion. Every scan is of course different, but above all else, it’s important to understand the distinction between elective ultrasound scans and medical ultrasound scans.

Why book an elective ultrasound scan?

Reasons for choosing to undergo an elective ultrasound scan vary from person to person. Here are some examples of what a keepsake scan can provide:
  • High quality 3D/4D imaging. Medical scans generally result in 2D images only. Some elective ultrasound scans give the expectant parents a closer, more detailed look at their unborn child - some of our customers are even treated to the sigh of their baby-to-be smiling and waving!
  • Early gender confirmation. While medical scans can provide gender confirmation (i.e. whether your baby will be a boy or a girl), many elective scan providers allow their customers to discover this information several weeks earlier. Our gender scans start at 16 weeks.

  • Additional information. Attending an elective ultrasound session in addition to your NHS scans will allow you to track your baby’s growth over a longer timeframe. We may also spot problems/anomalies that develop after you’ve been to the hospital.

  • Keepsakes and souvenirs. Most elective scan providers offer a wide variety of gifts and souvenirs, which can be taken home after the scan and shared with family and friends. Common examples include glossy photographs, DVD recordings, key rings, and fridge magnets; we at First Encounters also offer the ever-popular Heartbeat Bear!
An elective ultrasound scan should NEVER be used as a substitute for a medical scan. Instead, elective scans are intended to complement the scans provided by the NHS, giving you an enjoyable experience and allowing you to feel that much closer to your unborn child.

What is the difference between medical and elective scans?

Simply put, a medical ultrasound scan is one that’s ordered by a doctor/midwife, while an elective ultrasound scan is one that you choose to undergo yourself. Medical scans are generally available for free on the NHS, whereas elective (or ‘keepsake’) scans will be delivered by private companies who charge a fee for the services they provide.
Most women in the UK undergo two medical ultrasound scans as standard over the course of a pregnancy; these scans are intended to track the baby’s growth/development, calculate a due date, and identify any anomalies that may be present.
In addition to these two scans, a pregnant woman may choose to undergo one or more elective ultrasound scans over the course of her pregnancy.
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