what is a presentation scan

A presentation scan is a type of ultrasound scan that’s performed during pregnancy to check the baby’s position within the womb.

The positioning of your unborn child can have a big impact on how smoothly the birth goes. This is why a mum-to-be may choose to book a presentation scan toward the tail end of her pregnancy: to make sure her baby is in position for a healthy delivery.


Why book a presentation scan?

Your doctor or midwife should check on your baby’s position at your 36-week prenatal appointment, but it can be reassuring to get a presentation scan before that point.

During childbirth, your baby will ideally be positioned so that they enter the world head-first. However, there is a small possibility that your baby will instead be lying feet-first or bottom-first in the womb. This is known as the breech position. Then there’s the transverse position, where the baby is lying sideways. Both breech and transverse births can be dangerous, so it’s important to plan ahead if your baby is still in the breech or transverse position as you enter the final weeks of your pregnancy.

On a lighter note, a presentation scan—in addition to providing important information about your baby’s position—can also be a great opportunity to capture some images of your child just before their birth.


When should I have a presentation scan?

Presentation scans are typically performed during the third and final trimester because you are trying to find out what your baby’s position (or ‘presentation’) will be during labour.

Here at First Encounters, we offer a scan package called Growth&Wellbeing™ that’s perfect for expectant parents who want a late-pregnancy presentation scan. We’ll provide you with a wealth of information about your baby’s wellbeing, including their position within the womb. You can actually book a Growth&Wellbeing™ scan at any time between 16 and 40 weeks gestation, but if you visit us at 33 weeks or later, we can also measure umbilical cord Doppler flow for extra peace of mind.

Book Your Presentation Scan

DISCLAIMER: Though these scans can be helpful for checking your baby’s position, we can’t necessarily guarantee what position your baby will be in when you go into labour. Babies move around in the womb right up until the end of pregnancy, and while it’s hard for them to turn around completely once they have passed a certain size, there’s always a chance that your baby will change positions before your delivery day arrives.

What can I learn from a presentation scan?

As well as the position of your baby, a presentation scan will usually give you some information about your placental position. This is important, because a low-lying placenta could completely cover the cervix. This is called placenta praevia, and it affects roughly 1 in every 200 births.

If you do attend a Growth&Wellbeing™ scan here at the First Encounters clinic, we will also attempt to observe:

  • Movement
  • Placental Position
  • Amniotic Fluid Volume
  • Cord Doppler Flow (33+ Weeks Only)

We’ll also provide you with some wonderful souvenirs of your pregnancy for you to cherish once your baby is born. Included in this scan, you’ll receive 3 complimentary black-and-white photos, plus a complimentary video clip.

Book Your Growth&Wellbeing™ Scan