There are several different scan types available to you at different points during your pregnancy, including…
Early Reassurance Scans
This type of scan is typically performed in the early stages of pregnancy (between 7 and 14 weeks) to check the health and viability of the pregnancy. The main purpose of this scan is to reassure the mother-to-be that her pregnancy is progressing as expected.
During an early reassurance scan, your sonographer will check to make sure you're not having an ectopic pregnancy. They will also be able to identify whether you're pregnant with just one child or twins, triplets, etc. Your baby's crown-to-rump length (CRL) will be measured to verify how far along you are and give you an estimated delivery date.
This scan type also allows your pregnancy care provider to check for the baby's heartbeat and ensure that it is within the normal range.
At First Encounters, we offer an EarlyReassure™ scan at 7 – 14 weeks, which includes everything mentioned above.
Book Early Reassurance Scan
Wellbeing Scans
Wellbeing scans may be carried out at any point between 16 and 32 weeks gestation. This type of scan is ideal for expectant parents who are seeking reassurance after attending their first NHS scan.
During a wellbeing scan, your obstetric sonographer will observe your baby's movement, positioning and heartbeat (as well as the placental site and amniotic fluid volume).
At First Encounters, we offer four types of wellbeing scan:
We also offer scan packages that combine wellbeing observations with growth measurements. These are known as...
Growth Scans
A growth scan is usually carried out between 14 and 40 weeks into a pregnancy. During this type of scan, the sonographer will measure your baby's head circumference (HC), femur length (FL) and abdominal circumference (AC) to establish growth development and calculate an estimated foetal weight.
Here at First Encounters, we offer four scan packages that include a growth scan:
Gender Scans
A gender scan can be performed from 16 weeks onwards, and is subject to your baby presenting in a conducive position to confirm their sex. At this scan, the sonographer may take your baby's measurements again as well as carrying out all of the usual wellbeing observations.
Some clinics (including First Encounters) offer a secret gender option in case you would prefer to find out your baby's gender at a later time. For example, if you want to hold a gender reveal party with family and friends, our sonographer won't tell you during the scan whether you're having a boy or a girl. Instead, you will receive a gender reveal scratch card.
At First Encounters, we offer two gender scan packages:
We can also confirm your baby's gender when you attend a 4DWellbeingAssure™ or 4DGrowth&Wellbeing™ scan (optional).
Alternatively, if you want to know your baby's sex as early as possible, we can provide a SneakPeek® Baby Gender DNA Test from just 6 weeks!
3D / 4D Scans
3D and 4D pregnancy scans can be performed between 24 and 32 weeks, but the best time to get one of these scans is between 26 and 29 weeks. That's because, at this stage of the pregnancy, the baby is large enough and there is enough amniotic fluid surrounding them to see a clear image. After 32 weeks, the baby will have started to move towards the pelvis and therefore won't be as easy to see on the scan.
When a 3D/4D scan is performed at around 24 – 32 weeks, you should be able to see your baby's facial features and maybe even see them blink!
At First Encounters, we offer two 3D / 4D pregnancy scan packages:
If you would like to know more about any of these scan types, or if you wish to book an appointment at the First Encounters ultrasound clinic, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Book a Scan