How to prepare for an ultrasound scan

Whether you've booked an elective scan with First Encounters Ultrasound or you're getting ready to attend one of the routine pregnancy scans offered on the NHS, it's always a good idea to be prepared.

Before you leave the house, follow these steps to get the most out of your ultrasound appointment...


What To Do Before a Pregnancy Scan

  • Dress appropriately. You're going for an abdominal scan, which means you'll need to bare your midsection while reclining on the examination bed. To make this as easy as possible, we recommend that you wear a two-piece outfit to your ultrasound appointment. Loose-fitting clothes are ideal because they can be easily and comfortably repositioned during the scan itself.

  • Feed the sugar monster. Babies are just tiny humans, and like all humans, they can get a quick energy boost in the form of sugar. We want to see some movement from your baby during the scan, so treat yourself to your favourite chocolate bar and your choice of sugary drink about 20 minutes before your appointment. The drink will also help to ensure that you...

  • Arrive with a full bladder. Ultrasound probes work by sending out sound waves that bounce back when the wave meets an object, producing an image on a screen. While this is not a requirement for all types of ultrasound scan, in the case of pregnancy scans, liquid in your bladder will enhance the movement of those sound waves, improving the imaging output. This step isn't always essential beyond 24 weeks, but a full bladder can nonetheless be helpful, especially if the baby is in a low-lying position.


What NOT to Do Before a Pregnancy Scan

  • Don't eat a large meal before the scan. A large meal that leaves you feeling full on top of your already-full bladder may cause some discomfort during the exam and can make it harder for the sonographer to get a clear image. 

  • Don't wear tight or constricting clothing. It's important for the sonographer to have easy access to your abdomen so that they can carry out the exam effectively. There's also a chance that your baby will be feeling a bit camera-shy, in which case the sonographer may suggest a gentle stroll to encourage your baby to move into a more favourable position. Loose clothing will not only make it easier for the sonographer to perform the scan, it will also speed up the transition from scanning to strolling and back to scanning again.

  • Don't apply lotions or oils to your skin. Just before your scan commences, the sonographer will need to apply a clear, water-soluble gel to your abdomen. This is done to rid the skin's surface of trapped air (which can hinder the passage of sound waves) and to allow the transducer to easily slide across the skin. Like air, lotions and oils may also interfere with the sound waves and affect the ultrasound image.

For more specific instructions, please click the link below and select your specific scan—or contact the First Encounters team and we'll happily answer any questions that are on your mind.

Choose Your Ultrasound Scan