pregnancy scans explained

There are several different scan types available to you at different points during your pregnancy, including…


Pregnancy ultrasound scan

If you are pregnant in the UK, you have two options for your ultrasound scans: the National Health Service (NHS) or a private scan clinic.

Pregnant women are typically offered two scans on the NHS: one at 12 weeks, and another at 20 weeks. On top of this, however, many mums-to-be choose to have additional scans at a private ultrasound clinic like ours. So what do private scans offer that NHS scans don't?


How to prepare for an ultrasound scan

Whether you've booked an elective scan with First Encounters Ultrasound or you're getting ready to attend one of the routine pregnancy scans offered on the NHS, it's always a good idea to be prepared.

Before you leave the house, follow these steps to get the most out of your ultrasound appointment...



An ultrasound scan is a medical procedure that’s used to examine unborn babies while they’re still in the womb.


If you or your partner are embarking on the journey into pregnancy, you may have already come across the term “sonography”.

A vital part of the process, the sonography test – also known as an ultrasound scan – helps monitor the development of both the uterus and the foetus during pregnancy, ensuring mother and baby are healthy.

From a parental perspective, the resulting images also provide expecting mums and dads the opportunity to see their unborn child for the very first time.

At First Encounters, we know how momentous this can be and offer a variety of scan options to make your first encounter with your child as memorable as possible.

Read on to find out how…


what is sonography,what does a sonographer do


What’s the difference between sonogram and ultrasound?

The textbook definition of sonography refers to it as the high-frequency sound technique used to create internal images of the body for analysis and diagnosis. However, in discussing sonography in the context of pregnancy, it can become a little confusing.

The confusion stems from the fact that US terminology often differs from the lingo used in the UK. As such, a Google search that returns sonography pages from both sides of the Atlantic can often include a mixed bag of British terms and Americanisms.

For Brits, the terms “baby scan” and “ultrasound image” are commonly used in place of the US word “sonogram”. So, if you come across the term “sonogram” in your online journey, chances are it’s in reference to the ultrasound image.


What does a sonographer do?

Also known as an ultrasound technician, a sonographer is the medical professional who operates the ultrasound equipment. It’s this person who will conduct the scan and produce the images of your unborn baby.

During a pregnancy scan, the sonographer directs high-frequency sound waves to the relevant area using the ultrasound equipment, manoeuvring the probe over the womb to provide the images of the unborn baby.


Sonography at First Encounters

At First Encounters, our sonography staff are highly trained professionals and conduct countless scans over the course of a working week. As a result, they are well-versed in the art of ultrasound scanning.

What’s more, we use the very latest ultrasound technology to provide you with state-of-the-art visual of your baby’s development, offering a wide selection of 2D scans, as well as 3D and even 4D experiences, using cutting-edge HD Live technology.

Our sonography techniques are designed to be minimally invasive with comfort and relaxation a key part of the service. We believe that these are moments to be cherished forever and pride ourselves in helping you create memories that will last a lifetime.

The revolutionary equipment available at First Encounters is truly second to none with an environment to match. For an ultrasound experience like no other, First Encounters is undoubtedly top of the list.


For more information on sonography and our ultrasound scans, why not drop us a line? Call today on 02920 732671 or get in touch online using the button below.

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3D scan at 16 weeks

3D and 4D ultrasound scans provide an exciting opportunity to get a clearer look at your baby and many parents-to-be simply can't wait to book one in. If you’re hoping to see your little one in 4D soon, here’s everything you need to know before you book.


Can I book a 4D scan at 16 weeks?

Unfortunately, at just 16 weeks gestation, your baby isn't big enough to be seen clearly via a 3D/4D scan. The best time to get a good view of your baby in this way is between 24 and 32 weeks.

Fortunately, there are still plenty of 2D scans available from 16 weeks and even earlier, so you can still check up on your little one and take home lots of lovely black and white images in the meantime.


How do 3D & 4D scans differ from 2D scans?

2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound scans all use sound waves to generate an image of your baby. But unlike 2D scans, 3D and 4D scans are able to capture three-dimensional images of your baby. A 3D scan is a still image and a 4D scan captures a video showing your baby moving around inside the womb.

3D and 4D scans aren’t typically available to mums until around 24 weeks because time needs to be allowed for your baby to grow and gain some weight. If you have a 3D or 4D scan earlier in your pregnancy, you might be disappointed by the results because your baby’s facial features won’t be fully developed yet.

2D baby scan

What can I expect from a 2D ultrasound scan at 16 weeks?

At 16 weeks, a 2D ultrasound scan can tell you lots about your baby. The sonographer will be able to check on your baby's size and overall wellbeing.

Here at First Encounters, we offer a brilliant range of 2D scans at 16 weeks gestation, including:

All scans are performed by trained sonographers in a comfortable and welcoming clinic environment. For more information, click on a scan or click the button below to book a scan.

Book a 2D Scan


What can I expect from a 4D Bonding & Reassurance scan at First Encounters?

Once you've reached 24-32 weeks gestation, you can book one of our incredible 4d scans. You and up to six guests can watch your unborn baby in motion. All of our 4D scans are displayed onto a large HD LED screen in our spacious scanning room while we capture stunning 3D photographs for you to keep.

After your scan, we will provide a digital copy of the images and videos we captured, so you can share them with friends and family.

If you want to hear a first-hand testimonial on our ultrasound scans from bump to baby, check out our Scans Throughout Pregnancy page where new mum Zoe and her partner Antony share their experiences!

If you want to find out what else is included in our 4D Bonding & Reassurance Scans, then please visit our website to find out more information and book yours today. 

Book a 3D/4D Scan   Contact First Encounters